Hello and happy new year! I hope you had a fantastic weekend. I wanted to talk for a moment about The Condemned, where we’re at, and where we’re going with this awesome game.

Since launching The Condemned, I have sold almost 15% of my initial order of product. Considering that I’m new to the TCG space, with a new IP, that’s really good! I am very impressed with how the game has sold so far, and I intend to grow that out in the coming year.

One of the things that I feel bad about is the lack of support for the stores that have supported The Condemned. The past couple of months have been rather busy for me in general. Between my day job that supports this, my family, and other engagements, I haven’t had nearly as much time to run demo events at Highlander Games and Adventure Loot Games. I intend to rectify that this coming year.

Not for lack of trying, either! I did run a couple events at both locations, and we had a ton of fun! Just look!

The launch party at Adventure Loot Games was a blast. I met a bunch of great kids who liked the game, and I really appreciated their feedback. Several of them even gave me card ideas, which I’ve added to the second expansion of The Condemned. When Highlander Games ran their Extra Life Fundraiser, I ran a draft with a few other people who showed up. We had a ton of fun, they loved it, and I really, REALLY, wanted to run more.

Starting this Saturday, January 13th, and continuing for the foreseeable future, I will be at Highlander Games on the second Saturday of every month and the third Sunday of every month. I will be there to teach people how to play the game, and sign cards for people who buy starter sets or enter tournaments, and just have fun playing The Condemned! I want to see everyone in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area drop by Highlander Games and Adventure Loot Games and come play The Condemned. You can find directions to both locations below:

Highlander Games: https://maps.app.goo.gl/1pgiMcVKyjb71cKx6

Adventure Loot Games: https://maps.app.goo.gl/bvZx5oNEoBGnqJcc6

If you want your local game store to carry The Condemned, please have them reach out to me via the contact form at the top of the page. I will work with them to get everything they need to get The Condemned on store shelves. I have promo cards for organized play, with alternate artwork. They are so awesome and I want you to be able to hold them in your hands!

But that’s going to wrap up this update. Look forward to more deck lists, behind the scenes stories, and previews of cards from the first expansion in the coming weeks. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in The Arena!

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