Hello Condemned! I don’t really like making posts like this, but it’s important that I make this post so I can keep myself honest. Last month, I announced that I would donate a portion of my sales to The Innocence Project. Now is the time for me to keep that promise.

In the month of August, I sold:

  • 2x Booster Boxes (40 packs)
  • 20x Loose Booster Packs
  • 1x Starter Set
  • 2x Play Mats

I had set a benchmark of $0.50 per booster pack, $2.50 per Starter Set and $3.00 per play mat that I sold direct. I also included the booster packs that Highlander Games sold in this number, because why not. In total, this came out to $38.50 that I would donate on behalf of all you awesome people. But that wasn’t a number that I wanted to donate. I wanted to give more. So I did.

I also covered the transaction fees for them, because I was feeling generous. And I have decided that I will continue doing this going forward, because this seems like a worthwhile endeavor. So! Every time the donation amount reaches $100 or more, I will make a donation to The Innocence Project. We’ll keep doing good with this game, because The Condemned is fun. Prison sucks.

Now, there’s a reason why I don’t like talking about the donations I make. In his sermon on the mount, Jesus said “and when you give to the poor, do not make a big show of it, as the heathens do. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.” I don’t want to make a huge show out of doing good for others on account of your generosity. But I also know that I need to have some sort of audit trail of my actions to keep me honest. So that’s why I’m doing this.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in The Arena!

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