We’re ready for 2D Con! Next weekend, we will be up at Tabletop with Highlander Games to run demo events and tournaments. We mentioned this earlier this month, and now we have more specific details. Here’s when to be there:
On Friday, we have no official events, but we do have multiple demo decks available to use to try out the game. If we have enough interested parties, we can run an impromptu tournament on Friday night. Swing by, I’ll let everyone know about the results.
On Saturday, we have two events:
- 11:00 AM: Learn to play The Condemned
- 3:00 PM: Booster Draft
The first event is a learn to play demo. We will have multiple starter sets available for sale, as well as a few for trying out the game. Please bring dice or counters and a coin with you, you’ll need it for playing the game.
The booster draft at 3:00 PM will be a ton of fun! Drafting The Condemned is different than other games. Each player in the draft pod will receive 2 booster packs for drafting, which is all you need for drafting The Condemned! We will be on hand to provide more information about the specifics of drafting the game at the event, and will be there to judge disputes.
In addition to all this awesomeness, there are prizes to give away! What prizes, you ask? How about prototype booster packs? What about signed prototypes used during early play tests? How about full art promo cards? Something like this?
Yep, we have some awesome alternate art promo cards to give away as prizes, too! So stop by 2D Con next weekend and come say hi. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in The Arena!